When you install any SpiderOak package on Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, or another APT-based distribution, it will automatically create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spideroak.com.sources.list with the APT source line appropriate for the platform. However, if you'd like to add this file manually, it should look like this:
deb http://apt.spideroak.com/ubuntu/ release restricted
All of the repositories are signed with this public key. You can register it on your system, so APT recognizes it, using this terminal command:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 573E3D1C51AE1B3D
Then, sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get install spideroakone
Do be aware that the URIs for APT sources generally (not just our own) are not intended to be viewable in a web browser, and can be expected to return an error if a web browser attempts to fetch them. That does not indicate that the repository is down.
We have a separate page discussing our RPM signing key.
If you have any feedback on this article please let our support team know. Thanks!