SpiderOak One and Groups keep your files secure while in online storage and while in transit between your computers and our servers, but is not intended to secure the files that remain on your computers. The way to protect the files on your computer is to (1) use full partition or disk encryption and (2) log out of your computer before leaving it unattended or loaning it to others. Local encryption is most secure when done at the filesystem level through the operating system, which is why we at SpiderOak don't try to bolt it on after the fact. All modern operating systems have provisions for full disk or full partition encryption, and we strongly recommend their use:
- Windows: BitLocker http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/products/features/bitlocker
- Mac: FileVault http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4790
- Linux: LUKS, built in to most major distributions. For example, on Ubuntu: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/11/privacy-ubuntu-1210-full-disk-encryption
SpiderOak One and Groups are not local encryption tools such as TrueCrypt. SpiderOak's backup solutions encrypt your files when stored on the cloud and in transit between your and our computers, but not while on your computers. There are, however, some third-party solutions that let you create an encrypted disk image which SpiderOak can then back up.
On Mac, use the Disk Utility - http://mac.appstorm.net/how-to/os-x/creating-disk-images-with-disk-utility/
On Windows, Mac, or Linux, one option is VeraCrypt, a TrueCrypt replacement - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/
You may also find our best practices for encrypted volumes to be useful.
If you have any feedback on this article please let our support team know. Thanks!