Once logged in to the Management Console, you will be taken to the Users tab. Users can be created manually, one-by-one, or created in bulk by importing a .CSV file.
All users must be part of a group. A default user group is created automatically with the name of your company. (For example, if your company is named "Burbank", your default user group will also be named "Burbank".)
Add a User
To add a user manually, click the Add User button. Enter the user’s email address, name, and select a group. The user will be emailed a confirmation message with instructions on how to create a password and set up his or her account.
CSV Import
If you need to add a large number of people to your account, see Importing Users With a CSV File.
In the Management Console, every user has a Detail page where the administrator can find information and change settings specific to each account. The admin can locate a user by searching for their name or email address, or by simply browsing the user list. The user list can be sorted by most of the available columns and columns can be added or removed via the Filter Columns drop-down menu. To view the details of a user, simply select the Detail link next to their information on the Users page.
Edit User Details
At some point, you may need to make changes to a user account. To do this, first access the user's Detail page. From there, you can edit the user's name, email, group, password, and disable or delete the user. After making any changes, remember to click the “Save Changes” button.
Bonus GBs and Bump Space
If you choose to limit the storage space available to certain users, some users may eventually need additional space. You can increase a user's space by entering a number into the Bonus GBs text box. Their total storage space will be increased by that number of gigabytes. The user may need to close and reopen their desktop client in order to see the change. In addition, if the user only needs additional space for a short period of time, selecting the Bump Space button will increase their available storage by 5GB for 72 hours.
Enabling Purgehold on a user account will cause all uploaded data, including data the user has deleted from within the SpiderOak desktop application, to be retained for admin access. It will still appear from the user's perspective as if the deleted files have been removed.
Access User Data
As an administrator, you can access the data uploaded by a specific user from the User Details page. Select the Access User's Data button. (If the user has not backed up any data, this button will not appear.) You will be transferred to the Dashboard for the user’s account where you can view the web portal exactly as the user sees it. From the tabs at the top of the Dashboard you can navigate through a user's Hive folder, devices (under the Manage tab), ShareRooms, and additional account details. Any file or folder in a user's backup selection can be downloaded directly from this interface.
Disable a User Account
Disabling a user account is as simple as unchecking the "Enabled" box on their User Details page and saving. Once a user is disabled they will be unable to connect to SpiderOak via web access or mobile. However, the user does retain access through any currently logged in desktop applications. The user's backed up data will not be removed and their account license will still be considered "in-use".
Delete a User Account
To delete a user and the data within the user account, select the checkbox in the Delete? column next to the user’s name on the Users page, then select Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, when accessing User Details, you can select Delete User at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted with a confirmation pop-up box. Select Yes, Proceed to delete the user and any data that has not been purged.
Reset a User's Password
If an end-user has forgotten their password, there are two options; an admin can manually change the user's password or send a password reset email for the user to change their own password. These options are found on the User Detail page.