The Reports page offers a quick glance in your account statistics, such as number of users, devices, ShareRooms, and average storage. It also contains common reports to help you make sure that your users are backing up regularly, and staying within storage and activity guidelines. For more specific information, the Users tab can be used to sort by additional columns. All reports can also be exported to .csv file. The Manage Logs button contains a high level view of the Administrator’s actions within the Management Console. For troubleshooting purposes, you will also find a Download Logs button with a much more comprehensive report of all actions.
Click the Reports Tab on the top left portion of the screen. Scroll to the required report and choose Browse Users. You will be taken to the Users page with the appropriate information displayed.
For additional information, choose Filter Columns, place a check next to relevant information and click Apply.
Columns may be sort by clicking the column titles. These will cycle between ascending and descending order, noted by a small arrow.
To access the management console logs, click the Manage Logs button. Here you can see all the account actions performed. To download more detailed information, scroll to the bottom and click Download Logs. The download will automatically begin.
To learn about enhancements and bug fixes, read the SpiderOak Groups release notes.