If one of your computers is lost or stolen, here's what you should do:
First, cut off the thief's access to your files by de-authorizing the stolen device. This will prevent the computer from accessing your account. To de-authorize a device, log in to your SpiderOak ONE account on our website, click on the Account tab, then on Manage Devices. Find the stolen device, then click De-authorize Device. The website gives no feedback and might leave you with the impression that it didn't work (that's something on our list of things to improve) but it does indeed de-authorize it, as can be confirmed by refreshing the page in your browser.
Next, change your password. Open the application on any of your other computers, or install ONE on a new computer and set it up as a new device. Press Account; the Account window will open. Press the Edit button next to your password. Here, enter a new password and password hint for your account, and press OK.
If you wish, you can download any data previously backed up from that computer at leisure. Although the stolen computer cannot log in to your account, all your files from it are still secure on our servers. De-authorized devices remain visible in the application and in your account on our website to allow you continued access to these files.
If you do not need the data on the stolen computer, you may delete the device from your account. Open the application on any of your other computers. Go to the Manage tab, select the correct device, then press the Remove button. When the window launches asking you to confirm that you are purging this device, confirm the operation. Be careful to choose the correct device, because removing a device is permanent.
If you have any feedback on this article please let our support team know. Thanks!