The command line option --enable-schedule
tells the headless or batchmode session to use SpiderOak ONE's scheduling preferences. Similarly, --disable-schedule
tells the session to ignore any scheduling preferences.
There are two ways to set scheduling preferences:
- In the GUI at Preferences - Schedule. This is the recommended way to do it, although it does require that your computer have a GUI.
- In a JSON preferences file. Although it is not supported on our consumer-oriented ONE product, if you would like to give it a try then see Advanced Application Management in SpiderOak Groups and Enterprise. That document was written with reference to our business and enterprise products (which are the only ones for which preference files are supported) so as you read it, change every instance of "SpiderOak Groups" (with a space) to "SpiderOakONE" (without a space). The part you will be most interested in is the subsection "Schedule". We have poor error messages from the preferences file currently, so if there's an error in the JSON, open the log files and look for a traceback that winds up in the JSON module.
If you have any feedback on this article please let our support team know. Thanks!