We have finished our testing and can confirm that SpiderOak One and Groups for Mac is ready for the release of macOS Mojave. Users should download the version compatible with Mavericks through Sierra and Mojave. We also have separate versions of One and Groups to use on Mac 10.13 High Sierra, but they will not work on Mac 10.14.
You may obtain the recommended versions from our download pages or directly here (One, Groups).
For users on macOS Mojave or later who choose to set SpiderOak One or SpiderOak Groups to autorun at system startup, you will see a system prompt that similar to:
"SpiderOakONE.app" wants access to control System Events.app
This change is a result of the new way macOS handles system events, such as auto starting an application. If users would like to autolaunch the application it will be necessary to add the application to the whitelist. We are evaluating how future versions of One and Groups handle this situation and changes may occur that preclude the need to whitelist the applications.
For more information, see our Supported Platforms and Operating Systems article.